Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited was incorporated on 25th April, 2016 with registered name Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited with aim of bringing about a socio-economic change through animal husbandry. On 30th December, 2016 Shwetdhara milk producer limited officially began its business operations of collection of milk from its members, with our services we were able to get our women members the best prices for their milk in the area. Although we had a humble beginning with just a few MPPs (Milk Pooling Points) and a few producer members. From the beginning itself we were a company with women empowerment as central agenda, both social and economic.
The overall condition of a household is observed to be improved when women are economically stronger, they get socially uplifted when they have a bigger say in household’s financial decisions. Shwetdhara milk producer limited is a milk producer company with only women membership criteria. Since it’s a company completely owned by women, we are proud to say caregiving in form of superior products is embedded in core philosophy of the company.
During the Year 2019-20 the Company name has been changed from Shwetdhara Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited to Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited w.e.f. 07.11.2019.
Our Objectives
- To carry on the business of pooling, purchasing, processing of milk supplied by the Members, marketing of the same and to deal in allied activities.
- To provide or arrange to provide technical and managerial services in the areas of breeding, feed/ fodder, veterinary services to increase milk production for the benefit of the Members.
- To provide education, training and other activities to promote mutual assistance amongst the members.
- To arrange to procure quality milk from the Members that meets the standards laid down by the Company and the statutory authorities.
As of now, we are procuring more than 100000 liters of milk per day from more than 20000 active women shareholder members. The paid-up share capital stands at 282 lakh rupees and is increasing as we connect to more and more women in the area towards a productive relationship. 87% of the total revenue company generates is directly transferred to the accounts of our producer members which is a benchmark in itself for a producer company.
Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited shall collect quality milk from all its members at remunerative price and provide animal breeding and technical input services to increase milk production and gains from the milk business. The company is committed to the economic and social progress of its members.
Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited will be one amongst the leading institutions in Uttar Pradesh state in the area of milk business. The Company will be the first choice of women milk producers’ in its area of operations and will be known for its high quality of milk and milk products.
- Company’s interest is paramount
- Punctuality
- Responsibility and awareness
- Honesty
- Mutual Co-operation
- Quality
- Confidence and courage